
Blisters are painful, fluid-filled lesions, often caused by friction and pressure.

Causes of Blisters

Ill-fitting shoes
Stiff shoes
Wrinkled socks against the skin
Excessive moisture
Foot deformities
Biomechanical imbalances

What can you do?

Keep your feet dry.
Always wear socks as a cushion between your feet and shoes.
Wear properly fitting shoes.
If a small blister does occur, do not pop it.
Cut a hole in a 1/4″ piece of foam or felt, forming a “doughnut” over the blister; tape the foam or felt in place or cover with a soft gel type dressing.
Treat an open blister with mild soap and water; cover it with an anti-septic ointment and protective soft gel dressing to prevent infection and speed up the healing process.

What can a Podiatrist do?

Obtain a fungal culture.
Prescribe topical medications.
Prescribe oral anti-fungal medications.

Source: British Columbia Association of Podiatrist – Retrieved: 2009-06-01
Image Source: – Retrieved: 2009-06-01